Around the House - Review

English Spanish
The room El cuarto
The kitchen La cocina
The living room La sala
The bathroom El baño
The dining room El comedor
The hall(way) El pasillo
The door La puerta
The window La ventana

Around the House - Review

English Spanish
The (piece of) furniture El mueble
The table La mesa
The sofa El sofá
The chair La silla
The armchair / easy chair El sillón
The desk El escritorio
The bed La Cama
The stove La estufa
The oven El horno

Writing an email

Today we are going to learn some words and
phrases that will be very useful when writing an
email in Spanish, whether we are writing to a
friend, or a more formal email


The most basic way to start an email would be
with a simple...



A slightly more formal way to start an email
would be



You would use querido or querida depending
on whether you are addressing a man or
a woman


Then, you could use one of the following titles
together with the person’s last name:

- Señor: For men
- Señora: For married women
- Señorita: For unmarried women



Querido Señor Lopez,

Querida Señora Ruíz


You could also use only the person’s first name
if you are familiar with them.

For example:

Querida María
Querido Pedro


Another greeting, a little more formal than
querido/a would be:


This literally means esteemed, but can be
literally com


If you don’t know the name of the person, you
could just say:

Estimado señor / Estimada señora


English Spanish
Hello! ¡Hola!
Dear Querido / Querida...
Dear (more formal) Estimado / Estimada
Mister (to address men) Señor
Misses (to address married women) Señora
Miss (to address unmarried women) Señorita

Try yourself

Which of these greetings would you be most
likely to use when emailing your friend?


¡Hola, María!


Querida Señora Ruíz,


Estimada Señora,


Which of these greetings would you be most
likely to use when emailing your friend?


¡Hola, María!


Querida Señora Ruíz,


Estimada Señora,

Try yourself

How could you address the owner of a
big company?


Querido José


¡Hola, Señor Cruz!


Estimado Señor Cruz,


How could you address the owner of a
big company?


Querido José


¡Hola, Señor Cruz!


Estimado Señor Cruz,

Body of the email

Here are some expressions that might be useful
when writing an email:

Body of the email

Esperar - To hope
todo = All/Everything
‘esté’ is the subjuntivo form (because we
are expressing a ‘hope’) - we will learn
it in future

I hope that everything is well
Espero que todo esté bien

Body of the email

To state the purpose of your email you might say:

Te escribo para (informal) / Le escribo para (formal)

(I am writing to you to...)

Te and Le are indirect object pronouns because:
I (subject) am writing (action) an email (object) to you
(indirect object)

Body of the email

To send = Enviar
I send/ I am sending = Envío
Attached/enclosed =

I am sending you attached...
Te envío adjunto (informal) / Le envío adjunto

Body of the email

I = Subject
Sending = Action
Attached = Object
You = Indirect object

I am sending you attached
Te envío adjunto (informal) / Le envío adjunto (formal)

Body of the email

I am sending you attached
Te envío adjunto (informal) / Le envío adjunto

Again, we don’t translate ‘you’ to ‘tú’ as ‘you’
is the indirect object, and therefore we use “te”
or “le”
The direct object is the ‘attachment’ which is receiving the action of ‘sending’

Body of the email

English Spanish
I hope that everything is well Espero que todo esté bien
I am writing to you to... Te/Le escribo para...
Thank you for... Gracias por...
I am sending you attached... Te/Le envío adjunto...

Try yourself

I am writing you to…(informal)


Te escribo para…


Le escribo para…


Escribo para tú...


I am writing you to…(informal)


Te escribo para…


Le escribo para…


Escribo para tú...

Try yourself

I am sending you attached (formal)


Usted envío adjunto...


Le envío adjunto…


Le enviar adjunto...


I am sending you attached (formal)


Usted envío adjunto...


Le envío adjunto…


Le enviar adjunto...

Saying goodbye

When emailing a friend, you could use one of
the following Spanish salutations:

A hug
Un abrazo

Even though this might sound overly
affectionate in English, it’s very common
in Spanish

Saying goodbye

Kind regards, literally, “a greeting”
Un saludo

Saying goodbye

Kind regards, literally, “a warm greeting”
Un cariñoso saludo

Saying goodbye

Kind regards, literally, “an affectionate greeting”
Un afectuoso saludo

Saying goodbye

For more formal emails you could use one
of the following salutations



Saying goodbye

A cordial greeting
Un cordial saludo

Saying goodbye

English Spanish
A hug Un abrazo
A greeting Un saludo
A warm greeting Un cariñoso / afectuoso saludo
With love Con cariño
Until soon! ¡Hasta pronto!
Attentively Atentamente
Cordially Cordialmente
A cordial greeting Un cordial saludo

Try yourself

Which one of these greetings would you use
when writing a formal letter?


Un saludo


Un cordial saludo


Un abrazo


Which one of these greetings would you use
when writing a formal letter?


Un saludo


Un cordial saludo


Un abrazo

Try yourself

Which one of these greetings literally means
“a hug”?


Un abrazo


Un cariñoso saludo


¡Hasta pronto!


Which one of these greetings literally means
“a hug”?


Un abrazo


Un cariñoso saludo


¡Hasta pronto!

Writing an email

Let’s look at some simple emails to review
everything that we have learned today

Writing a friendly email

English Spanish
Dear Ana, Querida Ana,
I hope that everything is well Espero que todo esté bien
My family and I are in France Mi familia y yo estamos en Francia
Paris is very beautiful París es muy bonito
I am sending you a picture attached Te envío adjunta una fotografía
A hug, Un abrazo,
María María

Writing a formal email

English Spanish
Dear Mrs. Saez Estimada Señora Saez
Thank you for your email Gracias por su email
I am sending you the information attached Le envío la información adjunta
Attentively, Atentamente,
Jorge Suarez Jorge Suarez


English Spanish
Hello! ¡Hola!
Dear Querido / Querida...
Dear (more formal) Estimado / Estimada
Mister (to address men) Señor
Misses (to address married women) Señora
Miss (to address unmarried women) Señorita


English Spanish
I hope that everything is well Espero que todo esté bien
I am writing to you to... Te/Le escribo para...
Thank you for... Gracias por...
I am sending you attached... Te/Le envío adjunto...


English Spanish
A hug Un abrazo
A greeting Un saludo
A warm greeting Un cariñoso / afectuoso saludo
With love Con cariño
Until soon! ¡Hasta pronto!
Attentively Atentamente
Cordially Cordialmente
A cordial greeting Un cordial saludo

Culture leaf : Mycological tourism

With the arrival of frequent autumn rains comes the season
of beautiful scenery with autumn collection mushrooms In
Spain, thousands of edible fungi make it one of the richest
mycological countries of the European continent

At this time of year many regions and towns hold mycological
events, with courses to teach you how to tell between different
mushrooms They also arrange tasting sessions and guided
picking trips to the countryside Hotels have themed
packages including accommodation, specialized menus,
mushroom courses for beginners’and picking outings
to the country

Culture leaf : Mycological tourism

Wild mushrooms can be found throughout Spain However,
the most productive areas are in Galicia, Asturias,
Cantabria, the Basque Country, Castile-León, Navarre,
Aragón and Catalonia In these areas you can often find
towns and villages offering a range of mycological
options,from specific routes and activities, to associated
establishments such as bars, restaurants and country
house lodges

What's next

In the next lesson we’ll learn how to express
wants and needs in Spanish


Team Culturealley, Aroa Rubio

Voice Over
Chris J. Hampton
00 :00
Practice Game: Just type what you hear